Photoscape 3.6.5

Photoscape adalah editor foto gratis menakjubkan dengan banyak alat tambahan

Photoscape offers the beginner everything they need to organize and edit their digital images. Other than the viewer, Photoscape has functions to clone, crop, sharpen and decolor as well as settings for contrast, levels, vignetting and many other image parameters. Several templates allow to easily arrange photos on a page which can then be saved as a final image or be printed on paper.

Photoscape also includes capabilities for red-eye removal, batch editing (file names and image settings), converting camera RAW files, taking screenshots and generating GIFs, where several individual images can be combined to an animated GIF.

Photoscape includes so many filters, tools and special effects you'll find it hard to believe it's actually free.

Photoscape includes just about everything you need to view, optimize, edit, print and have fun with your photos. In fact, it's so complete that many would call it a free Photoshop alternative. Sure, it's not quite up to the level of Photoshop, but it's truly a great alternative to Adobe's big shot - and it makes photo editing a lot more fun!

One of the first striking elements in Photoscape is its uncommon interface design. Other extra tools featured in Photoscape are a file renamer, a color picker, a screen capture tool and even a RAW converter.

Suport For
Windows 2000 | XP | Vista | Windows7 | XP64 | Vista64 | Windows7 64 | Windows8 | Windows8 64

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